The Rockbridge Bloomery –
Reports The Little Princess
Bloomery A Preliminary Report Skip Williams - Since January 2005, Lee Sauder and I have participated in approximately 30 iron smelts all using variations of the Coated-Tyle Bloomery described on other pages on this site. Drawing on this experience, we have designed and operated a simple clay-built bloomery with spectacular results, and developed a set of construction techniques, and operating parameters that work well with a clay shaft.
The Little Princess in built with a mixture of new, reused, and recycled materials that are now familiar to everyone who has ever built a bloomery before. To build the shaft you will need: -The remains of a previously fired bloomery, crushed to sand and grit sized particles. This is the grog. If this is your first furnace you can use sand as your grog material. -An equal volume of charcoal fines. Screened through a ¼” mesh. -A 50 lb bag of ball clay. Mix the grog, charcoal, and half of the clay while dry. Add water and more ball clay as needed to make a stiff plastic mixture.
Dimensions Internal Diameter 25cm (10in.) Total Height 90cm Tuyere to Top 70cm Tuyere to Tap Arch 10cm Operation This furnace is run in the same manner as the Coated-Tyle furnace mentioned above.
Charge Interval 8 minutes Total ore 45 lbs. 4 hours 20 minutes from first ore charge to bloom removal. Bloom weight 13 lbs. Bar Weight 11 lbs.
Anchony from Experiment 83
Charge Interval 10 minutes Total ore 45 lbs. 4 hours 20 minutes from first ore charge to bloom removal. Bloom weight 18 lbs. During the first smelt in the little princess bloomery
(smelt 83) the furnace walls vitrified and the whole mass became one solid
piece. The next week we were scheduled to run a demonstration smelt for
Evelyne Godfrey at the Morgan Riley in the Dept. of Historic Preservation at the Our special thanks
go to many of you who have added ideas to this design, Jake Keen in the ---- |